About Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.

About Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.
You’re probably familiar with the expression “A light bulb went on,” meaning someone just had a good idea. Well that’s what happened – quite literally – on the border between Montana and North Dakota in 1924.
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. was created that year to serve a handful of small farm communities in the area. Since then the company has grown into a large regional energy supplier. During those years of growth, we’ve changed our name a few times, acquired a number of smaller companies and progressed side-by-side with those we serve.
Today, we’re a Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., a diversified natural resources company based in Bismarck, N.D. We provide retail natural gas and/or electric service to parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Our service area covers more than 168,000 square miles (5.5 percent of the continental United States), and we serve nearly 431,000 customers in 271 communities.
Over the years, Montana-Dakota has adopted the slogan “In the Community to Serve,” and we believe in those words. Our success as a company is rooted in the growth and prosperity of our communities. We’re committed to help meet tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities by providing affordable and reliable energy services.
MDU Resources Group is traded on the New York Stock Exchange as “MDU.” For more information about MDU Resources, visit the company’s website at www.mdu.com.
Montana-Dakota Utilities Headquarters is located at 400 N. Fourth Street, Bismarck, ND 58501-4092.
Communities Served
Alamo, E | Garrison, G | New Salem, E-G |
Alexander, E-G | Gascoyne, E | Noonan, E |
Almont, E | Gladstone, E-G | Norma, E |
Ambrose, E | Glen Ullin, E-G | Northgate, E |
Appam, E | Golden Valley, E | Palermo, G |
Apple Valley, E-G | Golva, G | Park River, G |
Arnegard, E-G | Grafton, G | Portal, E |
Ashley, E | Grenora, E | Powers Lake, E |
Barlow, G | Gwinner, G | Rawson, E |
Battleview, E | Hague, E | Ray, E-G |
Beach, E-G | Halliday, E | Reeder, E |
Belfield, E-G | Hamlet, E | Regent, E-G |
Bentley, E | Hanks, E | Rhame, E-G |
Berthold, G | Haynes, E | Richardton, E-G |
Beulah, E | Hazelton, E | Riverdale, G |
Bismarck, E-G | Hazen, E | Ross, E-G |
Braddock, E | Hettinger, E-P | Ruthville, G |
Bowbells, E | Hebron, E-G | Sanborn, G |
Bowman, E-G | Heil, E | Scranton, E |
Bucyrus, E | Jamestown, G | Selfridge, E |
Burlington, G | Judson, E | Sentinel Butte, E-G |
Burnstad, E | Kenmare, E | Sherwood, E |
Burt, E | Killdeer, E-G | Sheyenne, G |
Carpio, E | Kindred, G | South Heart, E-G |
Carrington, G | Kintyre, E | Springbrook, E-G |
Carson, E | Kulm, E | Stanley, E-G |
Cavalier, G | Langdon, G | Steele, E-G |
Center, E | Larson, E | Sterling, E |
Cleveland, G | Lefor, G | Strasburg, E |
Columbus, E | Lehr, E | Surrey, G |
Corinth, E | Leith, E | Tappen, E-G |
Coteau, E | Lemmon, E | Taylor, E-G |
Coulee, E | Lignite, E-G | Tioga, E-G |
Crosby, E | Lincoln, G | Tolley, E |
Dawson, E-G | Linton, E-G | Trenton, G |
Des Lacs, G | Lorraine, E | Turtle Lake, G |
Devils Lake, G | McKenzie, E | Underwood, G |
Dickinson, E-G | Mandan, E-G | Valley City, G |
Dodge, E | Marmarth, E-G | Venturia, E |
Donnybrook, E | McGregor, E | Walhalla, G |
Driscoll, E | Max, G | Washburn, G |
Dunn Center, E | Medina, G | Watford City, E-G |
Epping, E-G | Merricourt, E | Werner, E |
Eldridge, G | Milnor, G | Wheelock, E-G |
Elgin, E | Minot, G | White Earth, G |
Ellendale, E | Mohall, E | Wildrose, E |
Fairview, E-G | Monango, E | Williston, E-G |
Flaxton, E | Morristown, E | Wilton, G |
Forbes, E | Mott, E-G | Wishek, E |
Fredonia, E | Napoleon, E | Zahl, E |
Ft. Totten, G | New England, E-G | Zap, E |
Fullerton, E | New Leipzig, E | Zeeland, E |
New Rockford, G |
Agar, G | Hillsview, E | Piedmont, G |
Akaska, E | Hosmer, E | Pierre, G |
Artas, E | Hoven, E | Pollock, E |
Belle Fourche, G | Ipswich, E-G | Rapid City, G |
Black Hawk, G | Java, E | Rockerville, G |
Bowdle, E-G | Lead, G | Roscoe, E-G |
Box Elder, G | Lebanon, E | Selby, E-G |
Camp Crook, E-G | Lemmon, E | Seneca, E |
Central City, G | Leola, E | Spearfish, G |
Deadwood, G | McIntosh, E | Sturgis, G |
Eureka, E | Mobridge, E-G | Summerset, G |
Frederick, E | Morristown, E | Thunderhawk, E |
Ft. Pierre, G | Mound City, E | Tolstoy, E |
Gettysburg, E-G | Onaka, E | Watauga, E |
Glenham, E-G | St. Onge, G | Wetonka, E |
Herreid, E | Onida, G | Whitewood, G |
Alzada, G | Glasgow, G | Poplar, E-G |
Antelope, E | Glendive, E-G | Pryor, G |
Bainville, E | Hardin, G | Redstone, E |
Baker, E-G | Hinsdale, G | Reserve, E |
Belfry, G | Homestead, E | Richey, G |
Billings, G | Ismay, E-G | Rockvale G |
Bridger, G | Joliet, G | Rosebud, E-G |
Brockton, E | Kinsey, E | Saco, G |
Carlyle, E-G | Laurel, G | Savage, E-G |
Crow Agency, G | Malta, G | Scobey, E |
Culbertson, E | Medicine Lake, E | Sidney, E-G |
Edgar, G | Miles City, E-G | Silesia, G |
Fairview, E-G | Nashua, G | St. Marie, G |
Fallon, E | Outlook, E | Terry, E-G |
Flaxville, E | Park City, G | Whitetail, E |
Forsyth, E-G | Plentywood, E | Whitewater, G |
Fort Peck, G | Plevna, E | Wibaux, E-G |
Frazer, G | Wolf Point, E-G | |
Froid, E | ||
Fromberg, G |
Acme, E-G | Cowley, G | Powell, G |
Big Horn, E-G | Dayton, E | Ranchester, E |
Buffalo, G | Kaycee, G | Sheridan, E-G |
Colony, G | Lovell, G | Story, E-G |